Inbound & Outbound Marketing : How To Use Them!

When any product or service is launched it is important to craft an appropriate marketing strategy. This is where marketers encounter marketing terms like outbound marketing and inbound marketing. To decide the right marketing strategy for your business, an understanding of appropriate marketing tools like these are important.
Fundamentals Of Outbound Marketing.
Any form of marketing which for instance, involves TV advertising, radio advertising, trade shows, print media advertising, seminar series, and cold calling is referred to as outbound marketing. Outbound marketing tries to reach consumers through general media advertising as well as through in-person contact. Many businesses when they want to promote and market their products, they consider whether to place an ad on television or in the newspaper or some such outbound mechanism. Outbound marketing is a traditional method of marketing where a brand seeks to attract and invite potential customers. This style of marketing tends to be interpretive with a core principle to push itself to the customer. So, the marketer generally targets the indefinite audience, irrespective of their wants. This makes it harder to track and it’s also less profitable in terms of ROI (Returns on Investment). Still, most brands spend a substantial part of their marketing budgets on outbound marketing.
Principle Of Inbound Marketing.
Inbound marketing uses blogs, social media, opt-in emails, influencer marketing etc. Inbound marketing is a new marketing concept where marketers don’t just brag, they try to pull in potential customers by providing them interesting content. Inbound marketing is therefore a marketing strategy that provides brands various channels and content, which can attract potential customers. Additionally, in this technology driven era, it helps marketers by providing them resources like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Social Media Optimization – in a creative way to attract consumer attention. Inbound marketing uses creative content in a manner that engages the consumer. When the content is engaging, consumers willingly interact with it by liking, sharing, and commenting on the same. This helps the brand get positive impressions which in turn influences the audience’s purchase decisions. Inbound marketing is therefore, easier to track and has a relatively good ROI with low overall cost.
What To Use & When
Inbound marketing is perfect for almost any business. It ideal for creating brand awareness and instilling trust with new and existing customers. For instance, if a customer searches for “Sports Shoes” on Google, he can be drawn to a website via blog posts that provide the information he is looking for. For a holistic marketing campaign, inbound marketing can be extremely cost-efficient. On the other hand, outbound marketing is the process of pushing your brand message out to your target audience, even if they are not actively looking for your products or services. Outbound marketing is popular because it is an immediate and scalable approach to get your message out to the masses by creating awareness for your product/services among people in that given moment. However, unlike inbound marketing it does not maintain your brand messaging unless it is repeatedly published/aired.
At Eggfirst, we are clear about how these marketing tools can be deployed and leveraged for better audience-reach and targeting. So, if you want to know what’s best for your business, visit us – tell us your priorities. We will be more than glad to guide you along the way to meet your long-term and reasonable short-term marketing goals.